New homes in central Oldham
Former Magistrates' Court
Following the demolition of the previous building in 2019, the site, which is bound by West Street, King Street, and Oldham Bus Station, is being transformed into a vibrant residential community with commercial spaces, seamlessly integrated with the surrounding area.
The proposals for this site have been developed alongside proposals for the Former Manchester Chambers and the Civic Centre, located immediately to the north. These sites are closely aligned, and the indicative designs reflect this through careful consideration of the interactions and interfaces between them. Once developed the area will be experienced as part of a unified neighbourhood which shares a common design language and promotes seamless movement between the sites.

Former Magistrates' Court site highlighted in red
Location and Connectivity
The site is in a prime location in the heart of Oldham Town Centre. To the north lies the Civic Centre site, while the Oldham Bus Station to the east provides excellent transport links. The main vehicle access point is located via King Street, while pedestrian access will be from West Street, benefiting from improved connections to the bus station and surrounding streets.
The Former Magistrates’ Court site is identified in the Draft Local Plan as a location for housing, capable of delivering around 225 new homes. The current proposals aim to develop approximately 219 homes, with a mix of residential housing. An outline planning application is being brought forward to establish the principle of development, with further reserved matters applications to follow, providing more details on layout, scale, landscaping, and other aspects.
The redevelopment plans for the Former Magistrates’ Court site include:
Up to 219 new homes, offering a range of unit types to suit different needs.
Public Realm
A new, inner green route connects Manchester Chambers with King Street through a series of planted steps and terraces; navigating a significant level change across the site. The outer landscape aims to wrap the development in shrub and tree planting to create a green setting and help to screen views towards the adjacent bus station.

Sketch of proposed Former Magistrates' Court plan
The proposals for the Former Magistrates’ Court site have been carefully coordinated with the plans for the Civic Centre and Former Manchester Chambers. The designs reflect a unified approach, ensuring seamless integration between the sites and creating a cohesive, well-connected neighbourhood.
The proposals for the Magistrates Court site ensure each home is designed with high quality materials and well-considered layouts to ensure comfort, energy-efficiency, and sustainability.
Landscaping is key to making the development feel like a real community; a place to call home. We’re planting greenery that feels natural, with spaces for relaxation, play, and connection to the outdoors.
The development is made up of two linear buildings separated by generous terraced landscaping that climbs upwards from south to north.
Your views are important. The feedback we received during this consultation will shape the future of Oldham Town Centre. We will update you with the outcome of this consultation in the coming weeks.
Find out about our other proposals below