A sustainable, mixed-use development

Former Leisure Centre

The Former Leisure Centre site, located to the east of Oldham’s town centre, offers a prime opportunity for the creation of a vibrant new residential community.

Bound by St Mary’s Way to the north and east, Rock Street to the south, and Lord Street to the west, the site is positioned next to Tommyfield Market and the future Linear Park, making it a highly accessible and well-connected location for new homes.

Former Leisure Centre site highlighted in red

Location and Connectivity

This cleared site, formerly occupied by the Leisure Centre and now used as a public car park, is located just north of Oldham Parish Church, a Grade II listed building. The main vehicle access is via Lord Street, and the site is close to potential green space and recreational opportunities for future residents.


The Former Leisure Centre site is identified in the Draft Local Plan as a key location for redevelopment, with potential for up to 270 new homes. An outline planning application is being brought forward to establish the principle of development, followed by further reserved matters applications to provide more detailed plans, including layout, scale, and landscaping.


The proposals for the Leisure Centre site offer modern, energy-efficient homes built from high quality materials that will meet the needs of residents now and in the future.

Landscaping is at the heart of our vision, transforming the development into a welcoming, green community. Thoughtfully designed greenery creates natural spaces for relaxation, play, and connection—turning streets into places and houses into homes.

The development is made up of two linear buildings separated by shared landscaping.
The buildings will be crafted with high quality materials to stand the test of time and blend beautifully with the town’s evolving landscape.

The proposals for the Former Leisure Centre site include:


A residential-led mixed-use development of up to 270 homes, with a range of housing types to cater to diverse needs.


The development may also include additional mixed-use elements, such as ground-floor commercial spaces or community facilities (details to be confirmed as planning progresses).

Public Realm

Enhanced public spaces, including access to the future Linear Park and integration with surrounding areas, will help create a well-connected and sustainable environment for residents.

Sketch of proposed Former Leisure Centre plan

The design of the proposed development has been carefully considered to integrate with the surrounding area, particularly the nearby Grade II listed Oldham Parish Church and conservation area.

A Heritage Consultant has assessed potential impacts and mitigation measures, ensuring that the development is positioned and oriented to maintain a visual gap between the church and the new buildings. Also the scale of the development is carefully planned to complement the existing urban context, with modern buildings that respect the surrounding heritage assets.

Your views are important. The feedback we received during this consultation will shape the future of Oldham Town Centre. We will update you with the outcome of this consultation in the coming weeks.

Find out about our other proposals below